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Transport companies and unions sign sustainability and just transition pact

The IRU and ITF have reinforced their commitment to drive a just transition and improve the accessibility and attractiveness of the commercial driver profession with a Just Transition for Transport pledge.

The road transport industry must continue to prioritise building resilience and reducing emissions. The remaining challenge is to become carbon neutral by 2050 while maintaining economic prosperity and good working conditions.

On the eve of COP28, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), respectively representing over 3.5 million road transport operators and 18.5 million transport workers, have pledged to continue driving a just transition in the road transport industry and improving the accessibility and attractiveness of the profession with eight specific actions.

IRU Secretary General Umberto de Pretto said, “The industry is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 while continuing to provide great career opportunities to young people and effectively meeting demand for road transport services.”

Transport operators and workers are co-designers of pragmatic solutions. Training, skilling and re-skilling will all play a crucial role within the just transition. We call on governments to join us in taking action and together creating a conducive environment for the road transport sector to efficiently and sustainably deliver on the Paris Agreement,” he added.

The IRU says it looks forward to continuing its longstanding partnership with the ITF and its affiliated trade unions to bring the pact to life, helping to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton said, “Transport workers globally are calling on governments to raise ambitions, ramp up investment in sustainable transport, and to deliver the plans we need across all transport sectors to secure our jobs, our climate and our future.”

“This pledge represents our joint recognition that a just transition in the road transport sector requires that workers and their unions at the centre of decision making, that all supply chain actors take responsibility for labour standards and emissions reductions, and that regulation keeps pace with emerging technology to decarbonise the industry.”

Cotton said that 80 per cent of people globally want increased investment in sustainable transport and called on governments to move from words to action and commit to constructive social dialogue with transport companies and unions at all levels to drive action and a just transition for the road transport workforce.

