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RSA welcomes speed limit review

The Road Safety Authority has welcomed Minister of State Jack Chambers’ announcement of his intention to bring a comprehensive review of speed limits to Cabinet shortly.

Sam Waide, CEO, Road Safety Authority (RSA) said: “The RSA welcomes that the Minister is bringing the speed limit review to Cabinet and that he is keen to progress this process as promptly as possible. This review can contribute significantly to making Irish roads safer and bring down road deaths.”

The speed limit review is a key part of the Government’s road safety strategy. A review group was established in late 2021 chaired by the Department of Transport and including representatives of the NTA, TII, local authorities, the RSA and An Garda Síochána.

Research that the RSA carried out, which asks motorists if they speed and if so, why they speed, 64% of motorists admit to routinely speeding, with one fifth speeding daily and more than half of motorists speed at least once a week.

Mr. Waide continued: “We know that speeding is a killer behaviour when it comes to road safety. The World Health Organisation has estimated that a 5% reduction in average speed could result in a 30% reduction in fatal collisions. Having these discussions and raising awareness of the impact speed has on a person’s likelihood to survive a crash, will help to save more lives.

“Another reason many drivers give for speeding is that they are running late and under pressure to arrive at their destination on time.  We know that speeding does not in fact result in drivers arriving at their destination significantly quicker.  National records show that completing an average journey* at 110km/hr instead of 100km/hr saves only 45 seconds.  Completing an average journey at 60km/hr instead of 50km/hr saves only 2 mins and 44 seconds.”

MR Waide concluded: “Simply put, all of the evidence shows that reducing speed limits on Irish roads will save lives and prevent serious injuries. It is appropriate that at all times we drive at a speed that is appropriate to the weather and road conditions we face.”

