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New UK border controls

New controls are coming to Uk Borders for the importation of medium risk animal products, plants, plant products and high risk food (and feed) of non-animal origin from the EU, according to FTA Ireland.

CEO Aidan Flynn commented: “The UK border target operating model will implement controls through three major milestones. From 31 January 2024: The introduction of health certification on imports of medium risk animal products, plants, plant products and high risk food (and feed) of non-animal origin from the EU.”

Top Tips to prepare for new controls
1. Ensure Haulage contractors do not leave for Irish Ports without complete paperwork including GMR (Goods Movement Reference)
2. HGVs will not be allowed board Ferries without a GMR
3. HGV Drivers Must be informed of the new requirements
4. If paperwork is not in order HGVs will be directed to leave Ports to return to their base or to drive to dedicated parking areas
5. Consignors need to understand who is responsible for the IPaffs system (UK Importer) and who will provide GMR to Haulage Business

