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Irish hauliers get Clandestine Entrant Civil Penalty Scheme warning

Irish Hauliers have reported that UK immigration officials are fining operators for not sealing unaccompanied trailers with TIR cords when arriving from Ireland into UK ports.

Since the beginning of the year, UK Border Force have imposed heavy fines without warning under the Clandestine Entrant Civil penalty Scheme.

Hauliers say that while the legislation is not new, and hasnot  been enforced on Irish Sea routes before, unless requested by customers, Irish trailer operators have entered the UK for decades without sealing curtainside trailers.

UK Border Force have confirmed: “Owners, drivers, hirers and operators must secure their vehicles to prevent unauthorised access by clandestine entrants. Otherwise, you could receive a fine under the UK’s clandestine entrant civil penalty scheme.”

Clandestine entrants may seek to enter the UK in different ways, such as by attempting to pass through UK border controls while concealed in a vehicle or detached trailer. This includes UK immigration controls based at juxtaposed locations in northern France.”

“If you are found carrying a clandestine entrant, even if you are a tourist, you could get a fine. You may face a fine of up to £10,000 for each clandestine entrant you carry.”

“If you are driving a goods vehicle, and it is not adequately secured you could also get a fine, even if no clandestine entrant is found. You may face a fine of up to £6,000 if you drive a goods vehicle that is not adequately secured. This applies whether you are entering or departing the UK.”

“A vehicle’s owner, hirer or driver can be fined. For detached trailers, a vehicle’s owner, hirer or operator can be fined. Companies may be liable for fines imposed on their drivers.”

