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HGV speed limits explained

Speed limits on many Irish rural local roads were reduced from 80km/h to 60 km/h from Friday 7th February. Here Aidan Flynn, CEO of FTA Ireland explains the changes in the context of the haulage industry.

The change in speed limit on many rural local roads also changes the meaning of the ‘Rural Speed Limit’ sign.

Aidan explained: “ This sign is a ‘black circle with diagonal black lines and is in use internationally. When it was first introduced on Irish roads in 2015, the sign meant that drivers must use their own judgement but must never exceed 80km/h.”

For clarity the new speed limits affect Local Rural Roads. These are categorised as follows:

·      local primary roads are numbered from L1000 – L4999.

·      Local secondary roads are numbered from L5000 – L8999.

·      Local tertiary roads are numbered from L10001 – L89999, with the first four digits representing the local primary or secondary road to which it is connected. (Local tertiary roads which are unrelated to a local primary or secondary road are numbered from L90000 upwards)

The new speed limits are being introduced on these roads, in the first instance as the roads are not suitable for speeds over 60km per hour. There are over 80,000km of local rural roads in Ireland and this new limit standardises and promotes road safety across all of the network.

Aidan added: “A speed limit is the maximum legal speed, but not necessarily the safe speed, at which a vehicle should be driven. It is your responsibility as a driver to obey speed limits and to ensure that the vehicle speed is appropriate for the prevailing circumstances, even if that speed is lower than the speed limit applying.”

He continued: “As a commercial vehicle driver, you have a heightened responsibility. Because you travel more and spend more hours on the road than normal drivers the risk of being involved in or causing collisions on the road increases. You can set a good example to others by driving safely, courteously and with consideration for everyone else on our busy roads.”

Speed limits are set for roads and for vehicles. Where these two differ the lower speed always applies.

