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European automotive aftermarket calls for urgent action on in-vehicle access  

As the automotive industry transitions toward a future shaped by data-driven services, the European Alliance for the Freedom of Car Repair (AFCAR), representing key stakeholders in the aftermarket sector has called for immediate action to guarantee fair and open access to in-vehicle data.

CECRA, a member of AFCAR, supports this urgent appeal to the European Commission for regulatory measures that protect competition, foster innovation, and ensure consumer choice in the automotive repair industry.

Access to in-vehicle data is not merely a technical requirement; it is a critical component for the development of new, data-enabled services. The aftermarket sector must be granted direct, unrestricted, unmonitored, and real-time access to this data to remain competitive and innovate effectively. The current barriers to accessing vehicle data threaten the sector’s ability to deliver the quality and variety of services consumers expect and deserve, according to AFCAR.

The European Commission’s stated mission to enhance competition must address the ongoing obstacles in the European data services market. AFCAR has addressed a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, urging the Commission to prioritize a legal framework for vehicle data access within the first 100 days of its new term.

Despite the Commission’s recognition of the need for such regulation, a proposal initially prepared with input from extensive consultations and fact-based evidence from various studies remains stalled. The draft proposal even received a favourable opinion from the Regulatory Scrutiny Board on its impact assessment. However, the European elections delayed its progress, and aftermarket stakeholders are now calling for its swift reintroduction.

AFCAR says: The automotive aftermarket is at a critical juncture. Ensuring direct and unrestricted access to in-vehicle data is essential for maintaining a competitive and consumer-friendly landscape. We urge the European Commission to act swiftly to protect the future of the sector and the choices available to millions of consumers.”

AFCAR and its members, including CECRA, emphasize that without a comprehensive legal framework, innovation will be stifled, competition diminished, and consumers left with fewer options for vehicle repair and maintenance services.

The European Commission must act now to bring forward the already prepared proposal on access to in-vehicle data, functions, and resources.

