Circle K is opening three new milesBIO HVO100 pumps across its network, building on the success of its first Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) renewable diesel pump installed in Dublin Port last year.
The new pumps are located at Circle K Junction 8, M8, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Circle K Junction 5, M9, Rathcrogue, Co. Carlow, and Circle K Junction 14, M8, Gortore, Fermoy, Co. Cork.
Circle K says it is committed to expanding its HVO offering further, with the goal of making HVO renewable diesel available on all national road routes by the end of 2023.
Circle K’s milesBIO HVO100 is a fossil-free biofuel derived from food industry waste and by-products that reduces carbon emissions by up to 90 per cent compared to regular diesel.
Circle K’s partners, including Musgrave and Stobart Logistics, are already benefiting from milesBIO HVO100 which will greatly reduce emissions across their fleets.